Jingle Bell*~Jingle Bell

Comments (0) | Sunday 30 November 2008

dear cecelia 小姐出了新书
在冷冷的圣诞季节 端上了雪白红ribbon象个礼物

两年前不得已爱上星巴克starbuck 不是它的咖啡香 是深绿色的logo一个让我栖身的环境 播放舒服的jazzmusix 圣诞节时分我忍不住问了店员圣诞专辑 结果那时没买到。
今年圣诞我依然不会在马来西亚度过 还想着 要买这里的 还是国外的?
jazzxmas 是全年唯一我想买的专辑。

new addiction to this---- twilight!!
上个周末看了这部电影 然后去了korean house dinner..~~
好想读这一系列的stephenie meyer的书。

因为最后一幕的感动 我更爱这首歌 --

工作深夜的现在 很累 脖子很酸痛

Iron & Wine Flightless Bird, American Mouth

I was a quick wet boy, diving too deep for coins
All of your street light eyes wide on my plastic toys
Then when the cops closed the fair, I cut my long baby hair
Stole me a dog-eared map and called for you everywhere

Have I found you
Flightless bird, jealous, weeping or lost you, american mouth
Big pill looming

Now I'm a fat house cat
Nursing my sore blunt tongue
Watching the warm poison rats curl through the wide fence cracks
Pissing on magazine photos
Those fishing lures thrown in the cold
And clean blood of Christ mountain stream

Have I found you
Flightless bird, grounded, bleeding or lost you, american mouth
Big pill stuck going down

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skin printing

Comments (0) | Friday 28 November 2008

挂在嘴边好久 却没有理想的构图 应该说我太善变 脑子里常常要得都会变

1》botak head carry着我的最爱illusion illustrator-m.c.escher的图
2》本来就很喜欢squarish及forced工整的东西 ruler任何量度工具都很不错~就是单调了点不够简洁!
3》这宽日式海浪与云朵本来很和我意 就是有点太日本。。。~~
5》是很普通的typography 意义很深 fivebyfive-faith

看完之后 我脑海有了一些头绪。(^0^)

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Comments (0) | Tuesday 25 November 2008

我念学院最后一份作业 是由樱桃小丸子的戏陪我的 是evonne a借给我的
喜欢小丸子无里头却又很实在的白痴与懒散 更喜欢花轮的造作 :) (哇哈哈~)

喜欢他的"oh~com'on baby"

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因为我一个人的时候 我是舒服的 所以我想躲在家
我不想说话 不想想东西 想好好吃东西 吃好吃的东西 看好笑的戏。
想吃寿司 想吃韩国餐 想吃炸鸡 想吃老地方热腾腾的牛腩面


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if i were a boy-beyonce

Comments (0) | Monday 24 November 2008

兴致勃勃的 她说名字叫if i were a boy.

If I Were A Boy - Beyonce

if i were a boy

If I were a boy
Even just for a day
I’d roll out of bed in the morning
And throw on what I wanted and go
Drink beer with the guys
And chase after girls
I’d kick it with who I wanted
And I’d never get confronted for it
Because they’d stick up for me

If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I’d be a better man
I’d listen to her
Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
Cause he’s taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed

If I were a boy
I would turn off my phone
Tell everyone its broken
So they think
that I was sleeping alone
I’d put myself first
And make the rules as I go
Cause I know that she’d be faithful
Waiting for me to come home

If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I’d be a better man
I’d listen to her
Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
Cause he’s taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed

It’s a little too late for you to come back
Say its just a mistake
Think I forgive you like that
If you thought I would wait for you
You thought wrong

But you're just a boy
You don’t understand
How it feels to love a girl
Someday you’ll wish you were a better man
You don’t listen to her
You don’t care how it hurts
Until you lose the one you wanted
Cause you've taken her for granted
And everything you had got destroyed
But you're just a boy…

前几天 看的新闻里 说道sp一位男生上吊自杀 他痛苦挣扎 为的是让女友内疚一辈子
我读了又读内容 我觉得不要爱任何人太深 难以自拔是你自己痛苦 若她都已不把你当一回事 你死了她也不讳留恋你。
黎楚宁也做了了断的抉择 她应该是个渴望爱的人 不然不会乖乖学煮饭 从此不会有人爱她了

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Comments (0) | Sunday 23 November 2008


杨惠晔 过得好吗
没有时间让我有机会放松去难过 每天有人会让我不知觉的笑 狂笑 大笑 乱笑 冷笑或干笑 都是笑。

以前的我 就很爱笑。
几年来 我不明白为什么回有事情让自己不笑了起来
最近我的生活 如我规划的一样 那么的充实 我一个礼拜会去运动 看电影 画画 上课和小旅行。可以遇见和我一起努力的人儿们 我很开心 比我遇见一个没有未来的爱人 愉快多了。
所以 我真的觉得 感情太可怕了。
不知道对方想怎样 太在乎任何人都很辛苦。
不喜欢那样这样 没有和自己有共识的人本来就不要浪费时间。

我喜欢 和我一起乱笑的人
我喜欢 和我一起奇怪的人
我喜欢 和我一起造作的人
我喜欢 和我一起发呆的人
我喜欢 和我一起坚持的人
我喜欢 和我一起省钱的人
我喜欢 和我一起挥霍的人
* * *

为不爱自己的人难过放不下 我还用很有勇气的姿态和态度过生活
我希望有一天 他们离开了现在 回头看自己也可以吐气扬眉〜

昨晚 他问我 什么是love?


我觉得 爸爸妈妈哥哥给我的love是让我微笑的理由

所以 love应该会让人笑和快乐的理由
那种所谓让步 等待 迁就 忍受 都是委屈自己 自欺欺人的掩饰。
如果不会快乐 就不是love.

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Comments (0) | Sunday 16 November 2008

两年前还在kl工作时 常常希望可以去马六甲 其实它也不远 就是有时少了个伴
上个月脱胎换骨的我突然觉得我何必等别人 我自己也可以去啊
反正就是去挖宝 吃饭粒:)
可是今次不是那么伶仃 我们尝了说好的早餐-令人回味的猪肉粉 一路直冲马六甲。
冲归冲~路程却有点长 因为车上的都是路痴~(晕)
没有沉重的行李 我抛下这里的一切 我的心情粉愉快!(咪咪~)

我一路走在马六甲街上一直在想 什么使我每次都想再倒回来这个地方呢
第一次总觉得还很多地方没看够 第二次我没有真正逛到我想要的古董儿们。
这次 我总算有点完成我预期的 我吃了好吃的饭粒 和完全逛完想要去的二手店 拍下满意的照片 不多却切实 :)
哦 我终于买回遗失已久的旧上海海报 贵了点可是值得!还有最意外收获就是我的红妹~ 我的皮箱又多加一位成员咯~
买海报的剪纸店里 皮肤好到爆点的虎牙酒窝男 介绍了我们轻松解压的好东西
没来得及拍照 改天再说她的神奇好了~

11132008 她结束自己的生命
我听到电台传来的报告 傻了很久 怎么相信?!
我没有想过那么年轻 那么会唱歌 才刚刚开始她就结束了。
我问阿余 你会自杀吗?
多傻...我还有那么大的世界没看过:-我没有在希腊爱琴海上畅泳 没试过在东京铁塔吻别 没试过在米雪林二星级餐厅拿着高级的高酒杯用槟城福建话说"不错喝~!“ 我还没和可乐合作 我还没有构思好我的图书餐厅 我还没让爸爸妈妈享受first class的能力 我怎么好意思自杀?

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Comments (0) | Thursday 13 November 2008

this week is full of adventurous and unbelievably packed.

i met new ppls, i done new things that ive never tried, my daily routine is on changing cos im making the days change.

i felt never been so great before, like new blood all over my body!

i made choices, i say goodbye to sadness, i say hi to coming future and the best thing is i always have my lovely family and friends.

ntg better than this,... the most enjoyable and no regretful at at all is u always know there are somebody who care and love you. they felt so hurt more than u do...they happier than u even u not yet laugh out loudly~

i always wanted to go japan for study, even before i went uk.
its now like the turning wheels came back to my mind again- or shud i say, it just being pending aside while im busying for UK?
so i get myself a course, no more excuses(cos it means i need to really tie in my expences.. no more fine dinner T.T)to at least started the thing that i wanted to do so long ago!
really can't wait for the class cos it shud be one of my must-do-of-2008 finally put on the move.

sooner or later, perhaps i might wrote somthing here with it and it seems like my lil secret too...exciting!! it makes me feel like im one more step ahead to my dream :D

im drawing my wall paper recently... adding elements according to my mood everyday... so end of the day it shud be smthg "poster of mimimood"

mimimood.. mimimooooo~

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aries at 121108

Comments (0) | Tuesday 11 November 2008

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)[?]

You thought there was a permanence to a partnership, but now you're not so sure.

Today you'll get a stronger sense of what your role in a relationship is -- and you might not like what you discover. You thought there was a permanence to this partnership, but now you're not so sure. Before you throw in the towel and assume that it's all over, have a conversation with the other person. Tell them what you think about the balance of power between the two of you and ask them if what you fear is true. Chances are, you have misunderstood something.

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Comments (0) | Friday 7 November 2008

60th firewOrks
from http://steph321.blogs.friendster.com/stephiz_yong

60th - 火花日
今天在英国是烟火的节日 太多太多地方都在放烟火大大小小的 每天晚上听到声音’啪啦啪啦‘的很热闹。昨天晚上我去了alaxender stadium那边的烟火表演与同乐会。极为惊讶的,是那个又高又直又乱甩的刺激游戏,老实说我真的被吓呆了,我的第一个反映就是傻掉~
除非我疯了 不然我死都不玩。


最近多了一个伴陪我他就是elefizzie。是我一直想买的大象。他有很大一朵耳朵,好像可以听我说话,真好~最近在搞圣诞节旅行。在想着一个问题,我那么多年没有好好庆祝圣诞,今年会是怎样的呢? 应该当时和谁在一起最重要把, 是的我是非常注重和谁多过于在哪里。哈哈那么就伺我一个王子吧~mali mali homm~

November 06, 2007 at 00:35 | Permalink | Comments (0)

翌年前的我 过着这样的生活 我在英国看烟火节 却什么都看不到
今年当时那些在身边的人已不在 我也没有烟花看了。

fei eh 原来一岁了! 昨天我还把它介绍给‘你好’

咖啡也说我瘦了 很瘦很瘦了。
我也知道我变很瘦很瘦 我真的不想不想瘦
看到自己脸颊都凹了 我也觉得很辛苦。
象范晓萱的专辑名字说的 ,“难道还有别的办法吗?”



編曲:C.Y. ,孫偉明,陳珀

我來到 你的城市 走過你來時的路
想像著 沒我的日子 你是怎樣的孤獨

拿著你 給的照片 熟悉的那一條街
只是沒了你的畫面 我們回不到那天

我會帶著笑臉 揮手寒喧
和你 坐著聊聊天

不再去說從前 只是寒喧
對你說一句 只是說一句 好久不見

拿著你 給的照片 熟悉的那一條街
只是沒了你的畫面 我們回不到那天

我會帶著笑臉 揮手寒喧
和你 坐著聊聊天

不再去說從前 只是寒喧
對你說一句 只是說一句 好久不見

待会儿要有个很好的晚餐 好久没有和姐妹们fine dinner 鲁~


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paul smith

Comments (0) | Thursday 6 November 2008

Fisheye 2 camera features Paul Smith’s trademark multi stripe pattern on the camera body. The camera uses 35mm film with regular development. Made in China of 100% metal. Price: $150.
我不喜欢fisheye 可是我爱paul smith 我爱lomography 我也爱full metal.
这个结合有点让人心痒痒的 (0v0)

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Comments (0) | Wednesday 5 November 2008





{不是不快乐 也不是快乐}

昨晚和个朋友喝茶聊天 说起觉得每天除了忙工作 真的有点无聊。
偶而周末败家光个街 巡视城市里的男人 一个个不是身边有人就是同性恋。
我对感情的事、说真的, 我...很怕。
大家契合 就在一起 不合又分开。

有时我想一夜情 好像比 长感情 值得怀念。

以前我重视告诉朋友 不要怕 我们那么用心爱别人 这世界上就是会有同等爱你的人。

孤独终老 不是太坏 至少不会再有任何人伤害你。

昨晚太累 太迟睡 今天又迟到了 讨厌鬼的停车场 竟然满座。
我跑的气呼呼的 结果晚上有约去个非常有情调的地方

--- to be continue---

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take care.

Comments (0) | Sunday 2 November 2008

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

Get back to normal living and deal with your emotions on your own. You can do this!

It's perfectly acceptable to rely on the support of friends and family to see you through the tough times -- after all, they love doing it. But at a certain time you have to get back to normal life, and start dealing with your emotions on your own. You can do this -- you have done it before, and you will have to do it again, probably. Move away from the caring-but-limiting arms of loved ones. Go off on your own and remind yourself that being independent is the healthiest way to be right now.

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