happy new year

Comments (0) | Thursday 31 December 2009

在倒数2009最后的15分钟抵达家 扭开电视 刚好来得及台北倒数计时
每年一样的时候 我会收看一样的101倒数 那是最漂亮的烟火 世界最高绽放的花朵
赏心悦目之余 为2010许愿也是必定环节

我希望一切顺心 家人朋友身体健康还是最重要
工作顺利 还有开心

开心最重要 只要开心 什么都好。

我要为明天前往泰国做准备 终于可以放松全身按摩
旅行和假期 最好去可以听不懂对方语言的地方 因为连耳朵都放松 不是很好吗?

我要放松 我要活在当下 想做什么就做。

虽然我还没有找到我的林方文 还没有除夕之歌
希望他在灯光不远处 等我。


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Comments (0) | Monday 23 November 2009

越遥远的距离 越美丽。


中间有着幻想与不敢说出口的秘密 夹带着不离不弃。
住在城市的人 是幻想是真实 没有人知道。
在不同的城市努力 不敢靠太近。

今天 好几年后的今天 我发现我好像失去一个一直存在心中的人。
说是失去 还是从来我并没有 争取去拥有。

准确的告诉自己 - - 我知道是我没勇气。

不是没有机会 是我一直逃避。


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Comments (0) | Saturday 5 September 2009

歌名: 愛得太遲
演唱: 古巨基
作曲: 楊鎮邦@宇宙大爆炸
編曲: 雷頌德
填詞: 林夕

我過去 那死黨 早晚共對
各也紮職以後 沒法暢聚
而終於相約到 但無言共對 疏淡如水

日夜做 見爸爸 剛好想呻
卻霎眼 看出他 多了皺紋
而他的蒼老感 是從來未覺 太內疚擔心

最心痛是 愛是太遲
有些心意 不可等某個日子
盲目地發奮 忙忙忙其實自私
夢中也習慣 有壓力要我得志

最可怕是 愛需要及時
只差一秒 心聲都已變歷史
忙極亦放肆 見我愛見的相知

我也覺 我體質 彷似下降
看了症得到是 別要太忙
而影碟 都掃光 但從來未看 因有事趕

日夜做 儲的錢 都應該夠
到聖誕 正好講 跟我白頭
誰知她開了口 未能挨下去 已恨我很久

錯失太易 愛得太遲
我怎想到 她忍不到那日子
盲目地發奮 忙忙忙從來未知
幸福會掠過 再也沒法說鍾意

愛一個字 也需要及時
只差一秒 心聲都已變歷史
為何未放肆 見我愛見的相知

相擁我所愛又花幾多秒 這幾秒
未算少 足夠遺憾忘掉

多少抱憾 多少過路人
太懂估計 卻不懂愛錫自身
人人在發奮 想起他朝都興奮
但今晚未過 你要過也很吸引

縱不信運 你不過是人
理想很遠 愛於咫尺卻在等
來日別操心 趁你有能力開心


我莫名觉得很空虚 不知道自己还可以做什么

我应该是一个非常清楚自己要什么的人 可是我又在哪里。
是我应对困难的能力下降 还是我根本没有能力?
一到周末 直接回家 没有什么太多的别的安排 没有涟漪的期待

想去做的事很多 平常很多事我都可以一个人做很多事情
一个人逛街 一个人吃饭 一个人喝茶看书 一个人逛二手市场 一个人逛大卖场选蔬菜选水果做便当弄汤水

可是就是很多事 一个人就是没有办法振奋的完成
比如说看鬼片 寻美食 踏青放风筝骑脚踏车吹吹风流流汗 吃火锅办主题派对 。。。


是应该为接下来的日子 做打算。

会有人 和我一起听古典乐爵士混合中西老歌 然后很想飘飘起舞吗


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Comments (0) | Tuesday 25 August 2009

"...这样 好吗?"


没有什么不好的。我心里只觉得... 难道还有别的方法吗?

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Comments (0) | Monday 24 August 2009

pixar - UP
went to watch this last night.
I could not express the feeling after watching the movie.
its engaging certain touchpoints at the bottom of my heart.
something that u might always wanted to do... but u always lack of the determination to complete it.
is everybody always have something yet to complete in lifetime?
is everyone keep turning back to their ambition because of the so-call reality?
is everyone has some regret inside their heart?

I am.
Ive been dreaming, to work for Coca cola...(but im working locally and does not any relation to cocacola..)
Ive been dreaming to be at the top of mountain or taking a parachute and shout(but acrophobia keep pulling me back...)
ive been dreaming to ....

all this with a but and with a reason behind, subconsciously human being like us giving ourselves the best way to escape from not being enough determination.
that is the best part of the movie.
it reminds and taking it back to life.
reality is good. but its not better than what your dream and your heart initially tell you.

Do whatever your heart tell you to and be yourself always.
im going to be yong hooi wah.

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Comments (0) | Friday 21 August 2009

a first weekend i m not going home after 3 months.

倒吊人 - 犧牲 (逆位)

>> i do not know whether it is accurate to me...
bcos i did not want naything back to my life at the moment.
but yes... sometimes sumone just wont fade off in your head.
whoever you going to meet later on in your life.
life is just a laugh, the funniest joke.

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Comments (0) | Thursday 20 August 2009

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reunion to myself at rendezvous

Comments (0) | Tuesday 18 August 2009

Its been a while I did not blog.

Busy? or too many things yet too little time for me to type n post up.

its almost 3 months ive moved down to KL.
Its been 3 months, my heart and body suffered for unpredictables and unconfirmed status.
i need some peace. need some confirmed 'future'.

But i knew im so lucky.
i met greatest ppl at work, work at good company, have great friends around. 
and of course my dearest family.

this month is the critical period of mine to decide my future years.
too many things i wanted to remember, the year of 2009 is so unforgettable.

peoples and things i met is too miserable.
what else will broaden my horizon?
haha (^0^)

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compare is sucks

Comments (0) | Monday 15 June 2009

I couldn wait to write somthing now.

not really feeling bad but I am not very comfortable with it.

i am quite okay adapting to the new life now, and the peoples i met is absolutely awesome.
they were great to me all the time. Some words maybe I am not able to listen now, unless i have the credits and power to tafsir what i have listened. Is everyone have very great opportunity after their endeavour? will there be?

I say : Just do IT!

Comparing is just Sucks!

All you gotta do is, look up to yourself.
look up yourself at certain height, do not let yourself fall so easily while you finally feel some breeze. No matter how hard or how differently, just do it and one day, you'll catch it.

No one giving you any applause... keep walking until one day u still will reach the destination.
Just like my feet, if i did not stop, I will reach even I am late.
At least the journey is colorful and no one will understand how it feels.
this is one of the gift from the person above you.

and the attitude u chose to face it, may vary from any one on earth, but that is who you are.
that is who i am.

Do it today.
Do yourself.

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Comments (0) | Sunday 31 May 2009

这时候有两种情况 :
1。你会遇见更负面思想者 或
2。你会遇见正面使者拯救你 引领你离开黑暗面。


简单的是人类构造 还是人类的外表。

我想让脑袋empty cache..清清脑袋 让我休息一天。

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methods of hapiness

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when u and the entire peoples look for something at the same time, it is just about your stamina and the perserverance.


I just talk with my girl from singapore.
I am so happy to hear that she is happy, at the same time, I am also lost while listen to her hapiness, cos i reflected to myself.
She telling me, she was like never know the person she is now, but she is very happy, relaxing, and totally run out from the way she used to be. Thats the way. I suddenly knew what i do not want. I suddenly narrow down what i want. i guess that is what others used to say, When you cant get what you want, change your method.

when you thinks, everyway seems like a cul de sac, turn around, look around.
When there's a need, there's always a way.

As long as you happy.
as long as you happy.
as long as, .....

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Heardbeating moments

Comments (0) | Saturday 30 May 2009

do you realize how ur heart beat actually?

recently i always heard it beat weakly. its hitting hard and low.
Every movement i take i feel my adrenaline went up and down, sometime while i just do some chores but i felt im goin to fall...

alot of unknown voices in my mind.
the more noisy and happening place i went, i felt uneasy... so much hurting myself. i donno why...
but when i stop down I don't know what i can do to make myself better.

The way I thought was not right.

I read a guru's feature in a mag i subscribed, she is a real idol for me.
she design books, design publications with all possibilities would happen on a flatland.
Eventually I am very very tiny, like a dust. I felt like crying to read her words and description of what she achieved so far.Have everyone also felt the same when they do not know wheres the way to go to reach where they wanna go? where I should go and where i COULD go?

Its right to be wrong, i heard paul arden's words.
but how can a wrong risked to taken u further or more distanced ?

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Comments (0) | Friday 29 May 2009

// 什么样的自己才是自己//

你试过很努力捂住耳朵 不听不看也不问吗?
我最近很常在看身边察肩而过的人 他们看起来都过的很好 新加坡拥挤地铁站上每一站走进来的人们 都有很明显的去向。 灵市闹区每个人身上都有强烈使命。

热闹的夜晚 一群出来party的友人 热闹的包厢 让我更怀疑 这是你要的吗?
你想你的生活应该被什么事情围绕?你热爱某件事 怎么忍心不努力做到过了自己那关 才停下来看一看是否有什么是可以改进的。

你感觉孤独 却只有自己可以让自己可以撑下去。

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Keep Doing

Comments (0) | Monday 25 May 2009

do not give a shit!

recently weird stuffs happened irregularly and unpredictably.
I never deny I am the weird thingy.
Hate or Love me, whatever it is, GO your way.
I appreciate all the way the peoples I met.

Night without stars like tonight, whats the best thing to do?

Keep doing, S.
Keep doing, just ... keep doing.

i told myself.

S + keep doing + keep doing + keep doing + S

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Comments (1) | Friday 15 May 2009

when u know every facts.
when you know how ur heart feeling hurt, your body burden,
when you just want to stay healthy with family,
when you just want to keep simple mind and trashed the negative you.

i want to do watever makes me happy.
i am doing watever i can to makes me happy.
i choose my happy.
dont force me to happy
i will happy when i really feel happy.

only myself know eating peanuts will make me distress,
laying down on bed with blanket top to head,
playing spot the difference keep my mind distract and relax.

let me do this.
why my brain doesnt seems function well?
am i just at the limit.?
or im not actually capable to work up to expectation?

I only want to think of one thing.
I am happy.
I love my family.
I love seeing them happy.
so do not let them see me unhappy.
trashed trashed trashed , empty trashed the negative bins inside stefyong's brain!

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Comments (0) | Wednesday 13 May 2009

what kind of typeface say my situation?

PEOPLE say attitude influenced by personality, personality effected from what kind of mindset we have inside.

While having some low periods of life, giving a turn off negative thoughts and pessimistic weak mind would be a plus to face the unpredictable, unwanted strikes that might bring us down.

    1. Do not lose your soul.
    2. Do not think bout the negative.
    3. Do not suspect or lost confidence.
    4. Do not hesitate.
    5. Do not say youre not lucky.
    6. Do not say You are tired.
    7. Do not Do not give up.

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Comments (0) | Thursday 30 April 2009

to get the decision of your future it is always not easy.
it is as difficult as getting the moon from the sky.

we went sunset bistro last night again
and we were have a great night though.

i watched Xmen, but i could not see anything
i felt so exhausted.
tiring of cant make up any concrete mind.
i gastric, i cud not take any food, i faint, and i am not happy.

so talks and critical thinking over my problems and my situation,
ive made up my mind, that might not cheer pals, but they will know me.
its not saying im giving up any of it.
im just making some choices that i think i might have at the moment.
i am still have the passion in my mind.
i will go get it thru the path i chose today.

i am lonely.
i do not know what i can do.
but i try to do wat the best i could.
show me some love and warmness.

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lucky again

Comments (1) | Monday 27 April 2009

so hard to breath right now.
why im achieving nothing,
why i feel i have nothing on hand,
i studied, but why i feel i alcumulate nothing.

Let me breath.
Why I cant breath.
give me a way to run my life.

I cant remember any good thing,
people are achieving things in life, aprroaching well
I felt nothing

unsecure at allll

i am 24.
i am nothing
i am 24
i graduated in uk
but i quit my job
i tot go for good
but i am still here
i am 24 with direction less

and i have no luck.

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Where are ur ego?

Comments (0) | Sunday 26 April 2009

THE MONTH of April
is going to end soon.

I am glad finally i could get rid of these days' nightmares.
I am not really able to cheer up, Many times of 'phew, finally lucks pick up again' but ended up i need to know the facts of 'continuosly' and the terms of non-stop.

I fell from my high ego to without any confident to trust any thing will good happen on me. The planning and used to be able to think mindset has swifted away from myself. I dunno whether my decision were right or messup. Then i gave up my firewall and went for tarot-reading. still, I am speechless to the incidents happen on me, i tried not to think it as a disaster, i think its a test for a higher challenge in life. I faced the unknown virus and totally unpredictable sudden changes. People named it a life with pages of stories, I named it a life with tiring tear sheet.

I am always inside my secure zone, always a 'no' people. I do not want to risk, secureness is very important than TRY to me.I look like I am easy going and open minded.

Unpredictable failures really knockdown confidence and ego, People became smaller and smaller when facing giant questions and obstacle, every acts and trial are troublesome, no answer and not as the same thing u putting into it.

What should I do.

I want to do that, but why i stretch but i still reach nothing.
should i just stay and reach the nearest instead of a faraway one?

Please let me settle all these lengthy unstoppable disaster.

Let me live again with a reason.

Let me happy again, and sleep well.

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Back to The Root

Comments (0) | Saturday 11 April 2009

回到爷爷老家之旅 没有真的想像事怎么一回事
只知道是客家村 亲戚可不少
涌来的亲友 记住名字还有辈分 因为难逢一面 这一别 也许很久很久以再见
乡下气息很好 就是卫生少了些 那么久历史的它真正留下来的人 也就是慢慢过日子的老人家和小孩。

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Comments (1) | Monday 16 March 2009

i gave up piano when i was young, i thought forceful, and dun patiently practice.
so i felt so much stress by that time...
recently found this from my brother and its simple if you wanna play a song.

the first one i practice, but still not familiar - if i were a boy

tmr will practice more song :)
though not expert, but playing is fun, since i always wanted to play canon in d one day :) maybe on my own wedding...


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Comments (0) | Saturday 14 March 2009

can i meet someone like this?
if i were lucky enough...

Do you hear me,
I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky oh my, baby I'm trying
Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again

They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
I'm lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music, feel the air
I'll put a flower in your hair
Though the breezes through trees
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning around
you hold me right here right now

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Comments (1) | Sunday 8 March 2009

应该说去恨 总比逃避来得了当
朋友说不知道为什么我可以忍受一些感受 谁都不讲
你说勇敢 我却说这是我的懦弱

我说不要 不知道
失败过的人 到现在更清楚什么样的人不适合在一起。
我这样的人 还会遇到什么样的人。
可以互相尊重 有商良。

没有吧。 根本就不太可能轮到我。因为没有人受得了不太出门

No one lucky

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a sing along trip with khalil

Comments (0) | Saturday 7 March 2009

大概3,4年前发现‘方大同’ 这个很简单的名字。
听到的就是 这首春风吹。
我很兴奋给哥哥听 那是我们都觉得 有着流行的陶吉吉的转音 周杰伦的创意。
可是我觉得 特别的是他的鼻音和喉咙。


专辑里面 最喜欢的一首歌
可能你会觉得’就是很方大同‘ 感动的是他总是简单且多层次的电琴乐 和少不了的喇叭~

让我觉得很舒服 很soul的词 很贴的duet。

更多: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKASWjGMeRs&feature=PlayList&p=CC5F56F83F9C9571&index=0&playnext=1

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Comments (1) | Friday 6 March 2009

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Comments (0) | Thursday 5 March 2009

每个人有些时候 都会想要隐形。

感到蒙羞 忧虑 不安时,都想要隐形起来。
连harry potter都把他父母给他的遗产-隐形斗篷当秘密武器~
我好几年前 开始隐形了厚重的眼镜
我第一次带上的那一刻 和相熟的验眼师 破口而出:“我好像第一次可以wide angle宽屏的清楚看见!”

因为那以后 我看不清楚 就是很没安全感。
我家人最高纪录者 应该是我哥 他可以同时拥有10副眼镜!
拥有视觉的我们 多幸福!

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aes taipei update!

Comments (0) | Tuesday 3 March 2009

PASTED from www.wretch.cc/blog/aestaipei

WOO~ 小鬼's another product is coming up!!
how i wish i can wear and buy too!!!
one of the photos is the interview btw bounty hunter and 小鬼 at bang magazine taiwan!

especially in love with the stars in the front tee, actually i prefer the white with red stars ( dunno why i would always cnt escape from the match of red n white!)
isnt it just cool, with a cargo color pants n flipflops with cap? might throw on rayban too if im rich enuff ~~~~ others than cap, might just throw a grassed-beach-style hat , the color mood is just ... so waikiki!!!!

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Doris Day - Que Sera Sera

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Healthy March

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Unbelievably ive lost writing here for ages.
how could i?

basically whatve i done for the previous time? wowooo...
nothing much than working, then now doing almost nothing!
but i found another new interest, is to sell of all my extra-extra-assets ^^

yes yes~ i have tons of "assets" to sell to earn some living.
cant even live a life though, but the instinct of A R I E S just can't always let go of HER belongings.


March is here, and I am going to stay healthy.
how could year 2009 going to slip away again 'unconciously'?

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